After a month of not blogging due to pure busyness...I get back on and realize I never posted this blog you're about to read...well, it's a month old now, but one I simply must share!
You've heard the saying "the calm before the storm"? Well, I must say it was the opposite way around in the Jenkins' household the last week or so. That's why it's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged. Spring Break week was wonderful...didn't do anything, didn't go anywhere (other than a trip to the movies & bowling), didn't blog, etc. Very relaxing, I must say....and it's a good thing because the next week, it all turned to chaos around here! Jessi had region tennis, Joseph's baseball games began , I subbed in Joseph's class at school Tues.-Thurs., Jaimee had region Track on Thursday....and THEN came Prom weekend! It started last Thursday night when Jessi tried on her prom dress which we had just picked up earlier in the week from being altered...I was at work, and I get this phone call that sounded like a forced calmness that said I MUST come home immediately (luckily we live only a few blocks from our grocery store)...the dress had been hemmed too short! Now this may not sound like much, but to a 15 yr. old it was basically the end of the world! Fortunately, I missed the total meltdown she had prior to the calm phone call! What could I do? It was 10:30pm Thursday night...the prom was Saturday. After calming her down, I told her what all mama's tell their babies...."I'll take care of it". I didn't know how, but this was not going to ruin her prom. Next morning, she woke up with a better attitude and decided that she would just buy some flats. If she was ok with that, I would be, too. That day was to be our Prom Preparation Shopping Day...we left at 7:30am...1. Hair Extensions/Trial Hairdo 2. Shopping for a fancy pair of flats (many, many stores later, she finally found a pair she could live with...mourning the beautiful heels we had bought 5wks ago that she couldn't wear). Overall, it was a good day. Early Saturday morning we met with others from her class to help disassemble the EBA Prom which had been on Friday night. We had a hair appt. in Martinez, and much later than planned, we arrived back home to start getting ready for the Jenkins County prom. About 45 min. before Jessi was to be in Millen for pictures, she came downstairs for me to adjust her dress in the back. As I did, horror above ALL horrors, the zipper on the back of the dress separated! The zipper pull would not amount of trying could get it moved back down the zipper. Thus, there was no way to get the dress off, although at that point, I hadn't a clue what could be done. In my mind, I'm thinking that there's no way for her to go to prom, but as a mom, your mind keeps churning trying to figure out what to do next. Jessi's Aunt Phyllis came by about that time (Phyllis has always been there for Jessi in every crisis! I faint very easily, so it's been Aunt FiFi who has held her hand in the emergency room more times than I care to count!) Well, we decided we would sew the dress up...on her...the only way to do it! So, if we'd have videoed this episode, I'm sure we'd have won $1,000,000.00 Jessi had to lay on her bed, tears streaming down her face, on her stomach, with her dress pulled over her head inside out, while I held the zipper together, and Phyllis sewed it up. It was quite the ordeal, but she made it to pictures, and then to prom. It ended up being the best night of her life according to her!
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